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Hawk Tuah

Hawk Tuah: Unraveling the TikTok Meme

The Sound of Spitting

The onomatopoeia "hawk tuah" mimics the sound of spitting in the Malay language. When applied to the Hawk Tuah Girl meme, it represents a woman hocking.

The Spit On That Thing Girl

The hawk tuah girl, also known as the Spit On That Thing girl or Spit On That Thang Girl, became a viral sensation after giving an unexpectedly amusing response to a bold street interview question about dating.

From TikTok to Social Craze

The term "hawk tuah" has become a trend on TikTok, where it is used as an onomatopoeia for spitting. The craze gained momentum after the girl's viral video was shared on the platform.

Viral Origins

The hawk tuah girl first went viral in a Tim and Dee TV video shared on June 11, 2024. In the video, the interviewers asked her an unconventional question that sparked her hilariously memorable response.
